Monday, April 18, 2016

4/16/16 Lucky Number 13

The weather and water levels were finally cooperative so my dad and I decided to fish the Lake Michigan tributaries in hopes of finding some late spring Steelhead. It was easy to tell that we were a little late on getting up there to fish as we only saw approximately 20 fish in 4 different bodies of water. I did however manage to catch my 13th and smallest Steelhead to date. I caught a small but aggressive male fishing a spinner behind one of only two pairs of spawning fish we spotted. It came from out of nowhere and just absolutely demolished my spinner. He was pretty roughed up but was still a fun fish to catch. After I released that fish, my dad came extremely close to catching his first Steelhead. A nice fish chased his spinner but turned away at the last minute. He was literally inches from getting one. It was a beautiful day to be out and I feel fortunate to have even gotten one fish. The season is pretty well over and this warm weather will quickly bring it to a close. The better news is I got to spend a whole day with the old man. You can't beat that in my book.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kyle Hammond,
    This is really fantastic article you shared here. All we that 13 is unlucky but you presented here 13 as lucky number. This is really nice. Your writing is also informative. Thanks for your excellent sharing.
