Saturday, November 28, 2015

Video - Thanksgiving Day Pike

Mike and I got an early start on Thanksgiving to get some fishing in before going to our respective family events. We got on the water by 9:00 or so and fished until about 1:15. We fished a section of river that we had fished during the summer but had not been back to since. Honestly, I was looking for a little redemption with this section of river. We didn't do very well when we fished it in the summer. It has so much good structure and water along a short section that I was surprised that we did not do better than we did. This section definitely redeemed itself in my eyes. I ended up catching 6 Pike and missing at least several more. I got all of my fish on two different lures: a 4" Rapala X-Rap and a 6" Bucher Baby Shallow Raider. I absolutely love the strike right at the nose of my kayak. It is those kinds of strikes that keep me coming back for more. I will let the video do the rest of the talking. Enjoy!

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