Monday, January 4, 2016

1/2/15 & 1/3/15 Weekend Trout Extravaganza!

I fished both Saturday and Sunday over the past weekend. Both days were relatively cold with highs in the low to mid 30's. Besides the temperature though, the days felt very different. Saturday was bright and sunny and surprisingly bearable. Sunday was mostly cloudy with high winds and snow flurries. By the end of both days, my kayak was more ice than plastic. Most of my gear was frozen to the point were I had a hard time reeling in line, couldn't hardly operate my camera, and couldn't get my paddle apart because it was frozen together! Both days were pretty productive and the trout were pretty willing to play. I caught quite a few fish and had a ton more that either never got hooked well or didn't make it to the boat due to some high-flying antics. On Saturday I landed a total of 4 Rainbows in just over two hours of fishing. and on Sunday I got 8 Rainbows and 1 Brown in a little under 4 hours. These two trips bring my total trout count to 84 since my first trip on 10/18. With the cold weather, my days on the water are looking more and more numbered. I've got more good video to show but for now, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

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